On Monday, the Prokeimenon,
Tone 4, Psalm 103:4, 1
Who maketh His
angels spirits, His servers a flamingfire.
Verse: Blessthe
Lord, O my soul; O Lord my God, thou art become very great.
Alleluia, Tone 5, Psalm 148:2, 5
Praise ye the
Lord, all His angels; praise ye Himall His powers.
Verse: For
Hespoke, and they came into being; He commanded and they were created.
Communion, Psalm 103:4
Who maketh His angels spirits, His servers a flamingfire
On Tuesday, the Prokeimenon
Tone 7, Psalm 63: 1 0, 1
The righteous
shall rejoice in the Lord, and he shallhope in Him.
Verse: Hearmy
prayer, O God, when I pray unto thee.
Alleluia, Tone 4, Psalm 91:12,13
The righteous
shall flourish like the palm tree;like the cedars of Lebanon He shall increase.
Verse: Theythat
are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courtsof our God.
Communion, Psalm 11 1:6, 7
The righteous shall be in eternal memory; He shallnot fear evil tidings.
On Wednesday, the Prokeimenon
Tone 3, The Song of the Theotokos
My soul doth
magnify the Lord, and my spirit hathrejoiced in God my Savior.
Verse: For Hehath
looked upon the humility of His servant; for behold from henceforthall
generations shall bless me.
Alleluia, Tone 8, Psalm 44:10, 12
Hearken, O
Daughter, and see, and incline thine ear.
Verse: The
richamong the people of the earth shall entreat thy countenance.
Communion, Psalm 115:4
I will take the cup of salvation, and I will callupon the name of the Lord.
On Thursday, the Prokeimenon,
Tone 8, Psalm 18:4, 1
Their sound is
gone forth into all the earth; theirsayings to the ends of the world.
Verse: The
heavensdeclare the glory of God; and the firmament proclaimeth His handiwork.
Alleluia, Tone 1, Psalm 88:5, 7
The heavens
confess thy wonders, O Lord, thy truthin the church of the saints.
Verse: God,who is
glorified in the council of the saints.
Communion, Psalm 18:4
Their sound is gone forth into all the earth; theirsayings to the ends of the world.
On Friday, the Prokeimenon
Tone 7, Psalm 98:5, 1
Exalt ye the
Lord our God, and worship at His footstool,for He is holy.
Verse: The
Lordhath reigned, let the people rage.
Alleluia, Tone 1, Psalm 73:2, 12
Remember thy
congregation, which thou hast possessedfrom the beginning.
Verse: God isour
King before the ages; He hath wrought salvation in the midst of theearth.
Communion, Psalm 74:12
Thou hast wrought salvation in the midst of the earth,O God.
On Saturday, the Prokeimenon,
Tone 8, Psalm 31:1 1, 1
Be glad in the
Lord, and rejoice, ye righteous.
Verse: Blessedare
they whose transgressions are forgiven, and whose sins are covered.
And for the Departed, Tone 6, Psalm 24:13
Their souls shall dwell amid good things.
Alleluia, Tone 4, Psalm 33:17, 19; 64:4
The righteous
cried, and the Lord heard them, anddelivered them out of all their
Verse: Manyare the
tribulations of the righteous, but out of them all will the Lorddeliver them.
Verse: Blessedare
they whom thou hast chosen and taken, 0 Lord; their memory is fromgeneration to
Communion, Psalm 32:1
Rejoice in the Lord, ye righteous; Praise becomeththe upright.
Another, Psalm 64:4
Blessed are they whom thou hast chosen and taken,O Lord; their memory is from generation to generation.
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