Prayers Before and
After Communion
O Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ our God, Who alone has authority to forgive men their sins, overlook in Thy goodness and love for men all my offenses whether committed with knowledge or in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without condemnation Thy divine, glorious, spotless, and life-giving Mysteries, not for punishment, nor for an increase of sins, but for purification and sanctification and as a pledge of the life and kingdom to come, as a protection and help, and for the destruction of enemies, and for the blotting out of my many transgressions. For Thou art a God of mercy and compassion and love for men, and to Thee we send up glory, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
I know, O Lord, that I partake of Thine immaculate Body and precious Blood unworthily, and that I am guilty, and eat and drink judgment to myself by not discerning the Body and Blood of Thou my Christ and God. But taking courage from Thy compassion I approach Thee, for Thou hast said: `He who eats My Flesh and drinks My Blood abides in Me and I in him.' Therefore have compassion, O Lord, and do not make an example of me, a sinner, but deal with me according to Thy mercy; and let these Holy Things be for my healing and purification and enlightenment and protection and salvation and sanctification of body and soul, for the turning away of every fantasy and evil deed and diabolical activity working subconciously in my members, for confidence and love towards Thee, for reformation of life and security, for an increase of virtue and perfection, for fulfillment of the commandments, for communion with the Holy Spirit, as a provision for eternal life, and as an acceptable defense at Thy dread Tribunal, but not for judgment or for condemnation.
I thank Thee, O
Lord my God, that Thou hast not rejected me, a sinner, but hast suffered me to
be a partaker of Thy holy things. I thank Thee that, unworthy as I am, Thou
hast enabled me to receive of Thy most pure and heavenly gifts. And yet
moreover I beseech Thee, O Lord and Lover of mankind, who for our sakes didst
die and rise again, and hast provided us these dread and life-giving mysteries
unto the benefit and hallowing of our souls and bodies. Grant that these Thy
gifts may be even unto me for the healing of soul and body, and the driving out
of every adversary; for the enlightening of the eyes of my understanding, and
peace for the powers of my soul; for faith unashamed, and love without
dissimulation; for the fullness of wisdom, and the keeping of Thy commandments;
for the increase of Thy divine grace, and an inheritance in Thy kingdom. That
preserved by them in Thy holiness I may be ever mindful of Thy grace, and not
henceforth live unto myself but unto Thee, our bountiful Lord. And when I have
departed this life in the hope of life everlasting, vouchsafe that I may enter
into eternal rest, where the voice of those who feast is unceasing, and the
gladness of those who behold the goodness of Thy countenance is unending. For
Thou art the true desire and the ineffable joy of those who love Thee, O Christ
our God, and all creation sings of Thy praise for ever. Amen.
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