Prayer Of Children
For Their Parents
In the Name of the Father, the Son, & the Holy Spirit:
O HOLY LORD, King of heaven and earth, look down with mercy and compassion from the height of Thy holy dwelling , upon our home. Grant health and everything good to my Father and Mother, so that they may take care of us and everyone in our household. And help us all to do what is good and pleasing to Thee. Amen.
Another prayer:
O LORD JESUS CHRIST OUR GOD, Who in Thy childhood and youth in Nazareth was submissive and obedient to Thy Most Pure Mother and Thy holy Provider and Guardian Joseph, leaving us an image of a pure childhood, well pleasing to God and men; do Thou Thyself, O Lover of men, enlighten me, help me, and inflame me with Thy love, that I may be submissive in everything to Thee and to my parents who gave me birth, raised me, have taken care of me, and nourished me.
Help me, O Lord, to always be obedient to them and to honor them, as Thou didst command us saying: "Honor thy Father and thy Mother, that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest live many years upon the earth." I pray Thee, O Lord, to keep my parents safe, and grant them grace, mercy, health, good temper, strength, love, holy zeal, and all that is necessary and profitable, so that they may bring us up well in Thy truth, with respect for holy things and for the good of society.
O Lord Almighty, all things are possible to Thee: help me and my parents,
that they may do all that is pleasing to Thee, for Thou art blessed to the ages
of ages. Amen.
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