Lord Jesus Christ, Our sweet Saviour, Who has commanded us,saying: "Love
ye one another, even as I have loved you," kindle in my whole being Thy
Love for me and my neighbor, that in all things I may do Thy will.
Holy Lord, keep me and my brother(s) and sister(s), and my friends ever in Thy
Holy love and to avoid the temptations of this world. Hear my prayer to Thee
now, as I see others around me fall to the ground in pain from drugs and die
before Thee.
to us wisdom, guidance, health,and Thy Divine grace, so that we may walk away
from the constant daily temptations of drugs.
Thy Youth, humbly ask Thee to hear our pleas, our tears, our fears,and our
prayers unto Thee, O Lord Our God, be ever-merciful unto us, Thy Children who
love Thee daily. We, Thy beloved Youth, give thanks unto Thee and ask Thee to
show us mercy.
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