At the Commencement of Any Work.
Bless, O Lord. or:
O Lord Jesus Christ, Only-begotten Son of Thy Eternal Father, Thou hast said with Thy most holy lips: "Without Me, you can do nothing." My Lord and my God, in faith I embrace Thy words with my heart and soul, and bow before Thy goodness; help me, a sinner, to do in union with Thee this work which I am about to begin, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
After the Completion of Any Work.
Glory to Thee, O Lord.or:
Thou, O my Christ, art the sum and fullness of all that is good; fill my
soul with joy and gladness, and save me, for Thou alone art all-merciful. Amen Back
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