First Tone
Now will I
arise, saith the Lord. I will set myself for salvation; I will speak boldly
Verse: The wordsof
the Lord are pure words.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm32:22, 1
Let thy mercy
be upon us, 0 Lord, as we have setour hope on thee.
Verse: Rejoicein
the Lord, ye righteous; praise becometh the upright.
Alleluia, Psalm 17:47, 50
It is God who
giveth me vengeance, and hath subjectedpeoples under me.
Verse: Who
magnifieththe salvations of his king, and showeth mercy to David his anointed
andto his seed for ever.
Second Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 7:7,1
Rise up, O
Lord my God, in the precept which thouhast commanded, and the congregation of
the people shall compass thee.
Verse: O Lordmy
God, in thee have I hoped; save me.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm1 1 7:14, 18
My might and
my song is the Lord, and He is becomemy salvation.
Verse: The
Lordhath sorely chastened me; but He hath not given me over unto death.
Alleluia, Psalm 19:2, 10
The Lord hear
thee in the day of tribulation; thename of the God of Jacob defend thee.
Verse: O Lord,save
the king and hearken unto us, in what day soever we shall call uponthee.
Third Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 95:10, 1
Say it among
the nations; that the Lord hath becomeKing; for He hath set aright the world,
which shall not be moved.
Verse: O singunto
the Lord a new song; O sing unto the Lord, all the earth.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm46:6, 1
Sing psalms
unto our God, sing psalms; sing psalmsunto our King, sing psalms.
Verse: All
yenations, clap your hands; shout unto God with a joyful voice.
Alleluia, Psalm 30:1, 2
In thee, O
Lord, have I hoped; let me never be ashamed.
Verse: Be thouunto
me as God defender, and a House of refuge in order to save me.
Fourth Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 43:26,1
Arise, O Lord,
help us, and redeem us for thy name'ssake.
Verse: O God,we
have heard with our ears, and our fathers have declared it unto us.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm103:24, 1
How great are
thy works become, 0 Lord; in wisdomhast thou made them all.
Verse: Blessthe
Lord, 0 my soul; 0 Lord my God, thou art become exceeding great.
Alleluia, Psalm 44:4, 7
Draw thy bow,
and prosper, and reign, because oftruth and meekness and righteousness.
Verse: Thouhast
loved righteousness and hated transgression.
Fifth Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 9:33,1
Arise, O Lord
my God, let thine hand be lifted up,for thou art King unto the ages.
Verse: I
willconfess thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will declare all thy wonders.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 11:8, 1
Thou, O Lord,
shalt keep us and guard us from thisgeneration and forevermore.
Verse: Saveme, 0
Lord, for there is not one holy man left.
Alleluia, Psalm 88:2, 3
Thy mercies, O
Lord, I shall sing forever; from generationto generation shall I declare thy
truth with my mouth.
Verse: For
thouhast said, Mercy shall be built up forever; thy truth shall be made readyin
the heavens.
Sixth Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 79:2,1
O Lord, arouse
thy power, and come to save us.
Verse: O
Shepherdof Israel, attend, thou that guidest Joseph like a sheep.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm27:9, 1
Save, O Lord,
thy people; and bless thine inheritance.
Verse: To thee,O
Lord, have I cried; 0 my God, keep thou not silent toward me.
Alleluia, Psalm 90:1, 2
He that
dwelleth in the help of the Most High, underthe shelter of the God of heaven
shall abide.
Verse: He shallsay
to the Lord, Thou art my succor, and my refuge, my God, and I shallhope in Him.
Seventh Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 9:33,1
Arise, O Lord
my God, let thine hand be lifted up;forget not thy needy ones till the end.
Verse: I
willconfess thee, O Lord, with my whole heart; I will declare all thy wonders.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm28:1 1, 1
The Lord will
give strength to His people; the Lordwill bless His people with peace.
Verse: Bringunto
the Lord, ye sons of God, bring young rams unto the Lord.
Alleluia, Psalm 91:1, 2
It is good to
confess to the Lord, and to sing psalmsto thy name, 0 Most High.
Verse: To
proclaimthy mercy in the morning and thy truth in the night.
Eighth Tone
At Matins, the Prokeimenon, Psalm 145:9,1
The Lord shall
be King forever, thy God, O Zion,from generation to generation.
Verse: Praisethe
Lord, O my soul; I will praise the Lord in my life.
At the Liturgy, the Prokeimenon, Psalm75: 1 1, 1
Pray ye, and
render unto the Lord our God.
Verse: In Judeais
God known; in Israel great is His name.
O come, let us rejoice unto the Lord;
let us shoutunto God our Savior.
Verse: Let uscome
before His presence in confession, and in psalms let us shout untoHim.