crestina:no1-3/2008- Donatii prin colindatori



2008 – NO.1-3 (Ianuarie-Martie, 2008 ) – VOL. 51, ISSUE 1-3




The parish office and the parish council of the Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church wishes to thank the carolers and all the generous donors who made the donations we acknowledge below on the occasion of Caroling visitations during December 19-24, 2007:

$ 25.00

The families of: Floarea Muresan, Mihai Puskin

$ 30.00

The families of: Maria Clotan, Marta Radulescu, Marius Rosu, Anica Alexe

$ 40.00

The family of: Nicolae Rusu

$ 50.00

The families of: Constantin Jercan, Valeriu Cozlovski, Pani, Daniela, Ion & Steliana Cufuioti, Gheorghe Dascalu, George & Ana Cojan

$ 70.00

The family of: Celea Grasu

$ 75.00

The families of: Cristina Mondocea, Sabina Popescu, ing. Gabriel & dr. Rodica Popescu

$ 100.00

The families of: Valentina Stoicescu, Anca Fanous, Constantin Caramihai, Dr. Sorin Muntean, John Mezin, Kalin Spariosu, Arhit. Dumitru Badescu, Teodora Dragomir/Valentina Diran, Panait Cufuioti, Nicu & Tana Grasu, George Arau, Nick Sadrapeli, Costea Arau, Dumitru Barzu, Constantin Arau, Sofronie Grasu, Dumitru Goga, Emilia Popa, Constantin Ciocan, Voicu Cerghizan, Marian Serban, Remus Cataloiu, George Cataloiu, Dan & Paula Matei-Platt, Mihai Sapera, Ioan Cociuban, Eufrosina Ipsilanti, Dan David, Dr. Mihaela Taolor, Dr. Camelia Davtyon

$ 140.00

The family of: Tincuta Vasile-Zica

$ 200.00

The families of: Neculai Sapera, Florica Nedelcu, George & Stela Tasu, Tina Matei-Himber, Gheorghe Comboianu, Dr. Miron Costin, Ion & Simona Vizireanu

$ 300.00

The families of: Stelian & Mariana Grasu, Maria Pincu, Max & Lilia Lanza Lyn, Dinu Valentin

$ 400.00

The family of: Costel Goga

$ 500.00

The family of: Dr. Adriana and Mr Adrian Thomas


Dorim sa multumim tuturor colindatorilor care, timp de 5 seri consecutive (19-24 decembrie 2007) am mers cu colindatul pe la casele credinciosilor bisericii noastre :

  1. Vasile Rotaru
  2. Fr. Constantin Alecse
  3. Ion Anton
  4. Paul Eremenco
  5. Dumitru Turlacu
  6. Anatol Razmeritsa
  7. Victoria Razmeritsa
  8. Adriana Zaharia
  9. Claudia Parascuta
  10. Paul Popa
  11. Elena Popa
  12. Ciprian Demeter
  13. Iulia Demeter
  14. Gina Cataloiu
  15. Loraine Cataloiu
  16. Kevin Cataloiu
  17. Daniela Cataloiu-Cicu
  18. Jennifer Cataloiu-Cicu
  19. Floarea Cataloiu
  20. Mihai Daniel Orita
  21. Marian Serban
  22. Daniela Cufuioti
  23. Sable Muntean
  24. Florenta (Bezin) Acevedo
  25. George Acevedo
